Latest Pics from the Studio alexbernsteinglass Steel blue. #glass #glasssculpture #newglass #scul Still got a lot of cleaning to do, but looking goo Classic! #glass48 #glasssculpture #sculptures #de Twins #newglassreview #newglassdesigns #design #de Blue group #sculpture #glassart #sculpture #glass Still needs to be cleaned up a bit, but I’m liki Steel cube. #glass #sculpture #sculpturenow #glass Blue crystal fade. #glass #glasssculpture #newglas Blue stone #glass #sculpture #glasscasting #glasss Two views #glass #sculpture #glassart #glasssculpt More green. #glasses #glasscasting #glassartist # Favorite combo, rusty steel and green. #glass #scu This one is starting to feel like a classic. #glas A big glass of water. #glass #sculpture #glassscu Flashback to project from a couple years ago. #gl Opalescent glass turns from ivory white to warm am Amber oval. #glasssculpture #sculptures #glassscu Love this green. #glass #sculpture #design #inter Pretty in pink. #glass #glasscastingprocess #desi The sculpture was a lot of Work happy with the res To infinity and beyond. #design #interiordesign #i One of my favorite color mixes. #glass #glassscul Still got a long way, but this one’s starting to So fresh and so clean 🧼! #glass #glasssculpture All-time favorite color mix. #glass #glasssculptu Instagram post 17985892796650817 Love this blue. #glass #artist #glassartsociety # From last Winter..#glass #glassartsociety #glasssc Instagram post 18008326649304453 What do you think? #glass #glasssculpture #design Village Green. #glass #glasssculpture #glassartis This blue is electric. #glass #artglass #glassart Probably one of my all-time favorite sculptures. Golden hour.. #glasssculpture #sculptures #sculptu Oval is back! #glasssculpture #glass #art #sculpt New prism. #glasssculpture #newglass #design #des Still not sure how I pulled this piece off?? #glas Final touches on this commission. #glass #glassar Have not used this color in a while, liking it. # Favorite color combo. #glass #sculpture #glassdesi Still one of my favorites sculptures. #glass #glas Finishing touches. #glass #glasssculpture #design Feeling this spring time. #spring #glass #glassscu One of my favorite blues…#glass #glasssculpture One of my favorites. #glass #glasssculpture #fine Pretty in pink #glass #artist #glasssculpture #scu Still one of my favorites. #glass #sculpture #gla From a wile back. #glass #glasssculpture #sculptu Feeling the springtime green. #glass #glasssculptu Still one of my favorite sculptures. #glass #sculp This color is crazy when the light hits it just ri Neodymium my favorite purple. #glasssculpture #sc Think this is one of my favorite sculptures in the Seems like a basic job but the final cleanup takes And now there’s two. #glass #castglass #sculptu Blue gondola. #sculpture #glasssculpture #artists Still one of my favorites. Which side do you like I didn’t plan these two to be together but I lik Instagram post 17975363453645204 This one’s from last year, like the color mix. The final clean. #glass #glasssculpture #sculptur I like the rusty steel with the green. #glass #gla Trying to clean this glass I put more fingerprints Load More... Follow on Instagram